Budcars- Cannabis & Weed Delivery System


Budcars Cannabis Delivery Solution is just not a Theme or template. Its a Completely Developed Cannabis Delivery Solution for Cannabis Companies, Cannabis Stores, Cannabis Dispensaries, Medical Cannabis Stores, Recreational medicine, Marijuana shop, CBD Oil and marijuana dispensary, Medical cannabis stores and for all cannabis related industries.It includes a website for Customers to browse cannabis products in an attractive way , Add them to cart and checkout. An Admin panel is also included to manage all business operations for Owners and at-last once customer order is approved by admin, the order will be delivered to customer doorstep through delivery.

Product Features:


I. Sign up
II. Login
III. OTP and Age verification
IV. PWA App for customers
V. Browse different Products
This includes filters, categories, products search by name etc.
VI. Ordering Placing & cancellation
VII. Payment gateway integration
VIII. Order tracking
IX. Realtime chat support with drivers
X. Rating and review
XI. Order history
XII. Account updation
XIII. Checkout feature
XIV. Add to favorites
XV. Logout


I. Dashboard:
To have a view of total earnings, items sold , delivery guys commission etc.
II. User Management
To have a complete view of users that are registered on platform and their history etc.
III. Delivery guys management
To have view of all the drivers registered, their earnings, commission, blocking or unblocking drivers, money they have to sent to admin in case of cash on delivery etc. IV. Categories adding or deletion
V. Products uploading, updating and deletion.
VI. ERP management
VII. Website maintenance
Admin can edit website content including header image, text and other content from admin panel.
VIII. Admin can set radius for stores that will be serving so that only customers that are in that radius can order
IX. Inventory management
X. Order management to accept or reject orders.
XI. Checking out feedback about products and also drivers.
XII. Order history
This includes completed orders, cancelled orders and also on-going orders.
XIII. Admin can open multiple stores with different credentials at different locations for easy distribution.
XIV. Revenue management
XV. Report generations

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